6 Practical Tips for Loving Your Natural Hair
Let's focus on YOU and loving the hair you were born with.
It's not always easy to love the natural hair you were given at birth. It can be especially difficult if you're transitioning now or you've just done the big chop.
If you feel frustrated that you have no control over your locks, a little love can go a long way.
In this post, you'll see 6 practical tips to start loving your hair TODAY! After you read these tips, apply them to your life and make sure you give yourself all the TLC needed to feel good about yourself and your natural hair.
Touch your hair with care and thoughtfulness.
To detangle, take one section of hair and finger comb it with Mango Moringa Conditioner and running water in the shower. Gently slide knots apart.
Once you've detangled with your fingers, use a comb to do a final detangle.
Then hold each section with a Snappee Hair Tie to keep your hair organized and tangle-free.
Set aside enough time to do your hair so you don't end up breaking the curls you work hard to grow.
On wash day, take your time to detangle with care. Use a wide-tooth comb, a Denman brush, or a Be Bop brush for getting knots out safely.
When styling, be mindful of causing damage for the sake of saving time.
If you're tired of spending hours on your hair, use high-moisture products, and you'll find you can get through wash day faster.
When it comes to hair products, don't skimp. You and your hair deserve the very best and don't forget it!
SwirlyCurly offers the best products for natural hair. Snappee Hair Ties and Afro Puff Scrunchies are designed to snap on and off so you'll never have to pull your delicate curls.
Our Mango Moringa Moisture Max system will give your hair healthy, long-lasting moisture too. In addition, use our sleep cap to prevent tangles and dry hair.
Curls thrive with moisture, and healthy natural hair comes from a hydrated, well-nourished scalp.
Challenge yourself to drink more water every day.
Use a moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, styling cream, and botanical gel to keep moisture intact on wash day.
Then rock your satin sleep cap at night to hold on to the hydration.
Accepting and embracing your curls may be the most challenging and quite possibly the most important tip for loving your hair, and loving yourself!
Sometimes it feels like our hair has a mind of its own. But, go with it! Our kinks are what make us unique.
Love every aspect of who you are including the tight curls, gray hairs, varying textures and all!
One of the best paths towards loving your natural hair is to get educated. Gaining knowledge about your hair can make a drastic difference to your haircare.
It can also improve the way you feel about your hair and the way you see yourself in the mirror.
If you're not satisfied with your curls or it's taking too long to maintain your hair, do something about it right now.